Doug MacLeod gewinnt erneut den Blues Music Award
Mit Break The Chain hat Doug Mac Leod den Blues Music Award 2018 für das Akustikalbum des Jahres gewonnen. Damit erhielt er zum dritten Jahr in Folge die begehrte Auszeichnung.
Der Musiker selbst sagt:
“I was thrilled to hear the news that Break The Chain won The Blues Music Award for Acoustic Album Of The Year last night. I’m especially honored because it was in a category with artists I greatly respect. Since I couldn’t be there last night, I’d like to say some words of thanks here. Thank you to – The Blues Foundation, my manager Miki Mulvehill, my record company Reference Recordings, Denny Croy, Jimi Bott, Oliver Brown, my son Jesse who co-wrote the title song and sang and played on the album, and finally the love of my life- Patti Joy. Without her love that chain would have never broken. I’m hoping this can be an inspiration to all who have suffered abuse to know that even from a pile of manure a rose can grow.”